My (growing) Collection

@nanc9354 yes, I gave it to myself for Christmas. It was so unique and modern, and I love it. It’s about 20” overall length, Sonoran gold, and made by Tom Lewis.


I had the exact same thought. The green was the first thing I noticed which made me think Royston, but after taking a better look at the black matrix my mind went to Chinese.

Pretty collection @BlytheEcho


@Ziacat so I emailed Andy Marion. He said it’s Kingman turquoise. :woman_shrugging:t3:


That’s wild! I would have not guessed that, except Kingman is the most common turquoise out there. That’s why I always tell people on here we are just doing educated guessing :laughing: I’m glad you were able to get hold of him to find out what it is. Thanks for letting us know!

I call Kingman the great imitator, so there ya go!


@Ziacat today I met a lovely and very knowledgeable gentleman that spent a few hours explaining turquoise and Concho belts We spent A LOT of time on turquoise. I showed him a photo of the dragonfly cuff and he immediately said it was Chinese turquoise and then explained why. He said A.Marion had to be confused or bought it in a lot that was supposed to be Kingman, but it was for sure Chinese. I just laughed and said thank you. So I think you were probably right.


Thought I’d share this pair of earrings, which I purchased in ‘20 or ‘21, on my first trip to Tubac, AZ. (I completely missed Old Presidio Traders that time :woman_facepalming:t3:)

These earrings were so unique that I had to have them. The gallery owner told me what the colored stones are, but I can’t remember now, so I emailed Aldrich Studio to see if they could identify them for me. I know opals and the orange is spiny, but now I’m curious if the purple is sugilite. They’re about 1”x1”

EDIT: email confirmed sugilite, red coral, and orange spiny.


Great start—-no you don’t have too much. :joy::joy::joy: The earrings that you mentioned have a wonderful look. I agree with @Ziacat that the turquoise in that one piece looks like Chinese. You have some nice pieces.

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@Islandmomma Thank you so much! Well, i have no one to monitor my spending, so i buy what i want, when I want :joy:
Yes, I have determined that Mr. Marion had to be mistaken and that is Chinese turquoise in the dragonfly cuff. I love it, no matter what.


It’s a beautiful cuff with beautiful turquoise. I was trying to look back to see what you said the other stones in that cuff are; are they spiny? I love the long vertical stripes in the big middle one.

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@Ziacat, yes, they are spiny. That middle one with the stripes is just shy of 1.25” long.

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:thinking: is there such thing as too much jewelry?

Nope :blue_heart: