Native or not? What stone is it? Please, help!

Hey there,

Again I come with a hard task. But this time we can easily find the hallmark on the page we all know, but they say it may be not-Native or fake. Or no idea. I know it may sound stupid but anytime I find something beautiful that looks like Native jewellery, I find a mark that is undetectable or a mark no one knows :cry: I believe in the power of this group, maybe you’ve seen it before? Thanx a lot in advance, love from Poland.


It’s very pretty! It looks Navajo to me. I have a few piece of jewelry that I know are Native American made (because of where I bought them), and I could never find the hallmark. But maybe somebody will have it in their giant hallmark books :grin:

I’m wondering what the stone is. It kind of reminds me of petrified wood, but not exactly.

Good to hear from you again! My friend from my Church that that is from Poland, just had a couple friends visit, and we all went out to eat. It was fun learning about your country!


Looks like agate. Nice ring.


Yes, some type of agate. A very nice one.


Hello darling! Good to see you here! The same I can tell about the States, I’ve got a lot of friends there… So you think it’s real ? So happy! I think it’s lace agate, I’ve never seen any agate Native ring before, so it’s like a rare find to me. Thanx a lot and let’s wait, maybe we’ll find out something more. Love!


This is such a pretty ring!

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Beautiful Lace agate! The ring is lovely!

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