Navajo Sterling Belt Buckle?

Hi, I bought this today at an estate sale. No sterling marks but it has a mark I can’t make out what it is. So I really don’t know for sure if the stones are real or the bear claw. Not sure if it is sterling or even Navajo. Could it be sterling without being marked sterling? Any information would be appreciated! Thanks


You have a piece of real turquoise and real bear claws. Looks like the buckle has seen some wear, that appears to be a cold solder repair. I assume the wires on the back make the artist’s initials, not sure if this is Navajo or not.

Thank You. Could it be sterling even though it’s not marked?

Yes, I imagine it is sterling silver. You have a nice piece of turquoise, real bear claws and what is most likely a piece of Mediterranean Coral, the sterling silver is not going to be a significant material cost.

Thank you Jason, apprieate you replying.