Need Help Identifying Oval inlay multistone men’s ring.

Hello out there. I’m new here. Would love some help identifying my late father’s ring. It is a beautiful piece. Silver oval multistone inlay. Does have internal stamping. Looks like maybe a star or could be a sun not sure. Below that are two dots one on surface one indented.


I couldn’t find it, but maybe other members who have the really good hallmark books will have better luck. Very pretty ring!

Welcome to Turquoise People!



@Ziacat No worries. Gotta start somewhere am I right! Thank you. :pray:t2: [quote=“Ziacat, post:2, topic:12239, full:true”]
I couldn’t find it, but maybe other members who have the really good hallmark books will have better luck. Very pretty ring!

Welcome to Turquoise People!

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@Steve Hi :wave: thanks for the feedback. It does resemble those markings slightly I’ll have to get a magnifying glass and get a closer look. Thank you for that.

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Welcome and thank you for sharing your late father’s ring. I really like the colors.
To get a good pic of the markings try using your cell phone. This way you can zoom in on it. This is what is older folks have to do.


Hello and welcome.
I cropped the inlay.
It is a nice looking ring.
Some of the inlay could be mother of pearl.

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@here4turquoise Hi. Yes I did so too could see it a bit better trying to figure out what it is. Thank you!!!

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@fernwood Yes, I agree. Looks better cropped . Sometimes better to have a fresh take. :pray:t2: