Need ID help on large bird ring

Ok this one I bugged the lady for 3 weeks to get it at a price we could both agree on, but it was still expensive (well, expensive for me, not expensive by NA jewelry standards…) Can’t find this mark anywhere. Maybe a shop hallmark or Anglo piece? She claimed it was Navajo. Any ID help would be appreciated. As always thank you in advance. I added 3rd photo for size.

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This is really lovely! I’m wondering if it could be a Mexico piece. I say this because I love this silver work and just found a gorgeous large piece and was surprised to see it was stamped Mexico. I am new and know little so wait for the experts to weigh in! I’m glad you got it - Enjoy!!!

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I added 3rd photo for size. Thanks

I believe it is Cherokee.


I looked around and couldn’t find another like this. Though It seems so familiar? If I run across something will let you know. Would say it is image of mourning dove which is common from many areas. Thought this Cherokee syllabary went along with what redbird believes. By the way, we have a strong Cherokee Nation in Mexico as well as other peoples too.

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Update 12.8.18: not Super Smith shop. They liked it, but said it wasn’t one of theirs.