News about Ogg's Hogan

While we were in AZ, we visited Prescott just 2 days ago. Ogg’s Hogan’s website was still saying they were open, so I wanted to check. They appeared to only be selling some of the counters, etc. I saw Jeff Ogg out front, so we stopped to chat. When I told him I was sorry to hear the store was closing, he said, “Oh but we aren’t closing; just downsizing.” He went on to point out the building he is moving the store to (right down the street), and that his grandson is taking over. So, yay! I mentioned we are from IN, and he said he really wants to visit the Eiteljorg Western Art Museum (he actually said it’s on his “bucket list”). That was interesting!

Anyway, good news for those of us who love that shop!


Excellent news! We will be in Prescott in August. Thanks for the update.

ETA: Hope you had an enjoyable trip!


I think he said they would be open in a few months, so that would be good timing. It was down the same street away from the square, but I’m not sure of the exact building he was pointing to.

We did, thank you! Just got back, but I’ll post something soon :grin:


Haven’t signed on for a long time and I can’t tell you how glad I am to hear he decided to stay in business!!! I originally reported last October that he was closing (his words), and when I returned in December 2023, he said they were “considering” just downsizing instead, but nothing definitive. I hadn’t given it much thought since then, so I am just tickled pink that the Ogg Family will be keeping the business! Time for another visit to Prescott!!


Unfortunately one of the forum members was just out there, and it wasn’t open. So I don’t know :worried: When my husband and I talked to Jeff in April he was pretty adamant that he was going to open again, and even pointed to the building, but it hasn’t happened yet, so he may have run into roadblocks.


Oh no…that place, and Jeff, were legends. :sob:


I know right?! I am very glad that at least we got to chat with him a bit. I have such good memories of that place.


When a friend of mine who is pretty close to Jeff visited him around 7 -8 months ago. Jeff indicated he was staying in business and doing shows. He invited Alex to call him and come by if he was in the area. So who knows…lots of information, but nothing written in stone.

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That’s kind of what it sounded to me when I was in there maybe a month before they closed. There was talk of pop-ups but certainly not a store opening. To be honest, Ogg’s wasn’t my favorite store. They were always trying to sell me on Jock Favour who I couldn’t be less interested in. I bought a couple art pieces from them but never any jewelry.


Well that’s too bad.

I bought 2 cuffs that are beautiful (to me), a lovely little ring, and a wonderful (again IMO) pictorial rug. They never tried to steer me to anything, but I mostly showed an interest in his older jewelry. Maybe because I am far less knowledgeable than a lot of you, he chose to spend time answering all my questions, which is partly why I enjoyed it so much. Probably my taste in and budget (lower) for jewelry is different.

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I’m definitely no high roller here. To be fair— of the dozen times I’ve been in that store, Jeff has only been there a few of them and I’ve only ever been helped by his staff. I’m also not so much into vintage jewelry. I love the history but my style is much more contemporary.

That makes sense. My budget isn’t quite so tight now (well…right now it is, darn furnace, grrr), but when I first stopped there it was, and at that time I found things I loved in my price range. So I am curious, if you weren’t fond of it why did you keep going back?

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I just said it wasn’t my favorite but I have purchased other art there— just not jewelry. The Lewis Brown painting I found there is one of my favorite things. Like I said, I enjoy the history but as far as for wearing— I’m more into contemporary styles.

Prescott is a pretty easy day trip for me and it was on a street with a handful of other stores and, most importantly, Two Mama’s Pizza who serves up a surprisingly great Detroit style deep dish.


Ogg’s Hogan is now open in a new location just down the street from the original location! 212 N Cortez St. Prescott


Thank you for the update! I remember he pointed down Cortez Street towards where they were going to be opening the shop. Yay! Now I hope I can get back out there again soon, and chat with him. He said (back in April) his grandson will be running it, but hopefully Jeff will sometimes be in there.

Welcome to the forum!


Right across the street from one of my favorite bookstores.


We were in Prescott today so we stopped by Ogg’s new spot. It looks great. It’s probably a third the size of the old location but a better use of the space. There is less pottery, very few paintings if any, and they’ve mostly eliminated the Mexican import crafts. I’m not super into the vintage jewelry so they still aren’t the store for me— but they do have a very large selection of Jennifer Curtis pieces that had me drooling (unfortunately overpriced, though).


Thanks for the info! We might get back out there this coming spring. I don’t have a lot of info on one of the cuffs I bought from his store, because he wasn’t in that day, and the lady didn’t know much about it except that he had it a long time. When we were in AZ last April and chatted with Jeff, I mentioned the cuff, but unfortunately I didn’t have it with me. He said if he could see it he would be able to tell me more about it. Since I know now they are open, maybe I can call the store and see if I can send some pics.

I love vintage jewelry, but the last few years I have bought newer pieces, so I should get back there!