News about Ogg's Hogan

While we were in AZ, we visited Prescott just 2 days ago. Ogg’s Hogan’s website was still saying they were open, so I wanted to check. They appeared to only be selling some of the counters, etc. I saw Jeff Ogg out front, so we stopped to chat. When I told him I was sorry to hear the store was closing, he said, “Oh but we aren’t closing; just downsizing.” He went on to point out the building he is moving the store to (right down the street), and that his grandson is taking over. So, yay! I mentioned we are from IN, and he said he really wants to visit the Eiteljorg Western Art Museum (he actually said it’s on his “bucket list”). That was interesting!

Anyway, good news for those of us who love that shop!


Excellent news! We will be in Prescott in August. Thanks for the update.

ETA: Hope you had an enjoyable trip!


I think he said they would be open in a few months, so that would be good timing. It was down the same street away from the square, but I’m not sure of the exact building he was pointing to.

We did, thank you! Just got back, but I’ll post something soon :grin: