NM Inherited Squash Blossom Necklace - Help!


I am trying to find a bit more information about a squash blossom necklace inherited a couple years back. Unfortunately, I hardly know anything on it but what I do know is this: talking to a couple turquoise jewelry shops, the necklace was suspected to be 1950s and Navajo, It is not stamped (I’ve scoured it for any sign), it weights ~315g and is ~16in from clasp to bottom of Naja pendant. That’s all I know.

I’d love any insight! It’s very special to me and my lack of knowledge on it doesn’t do it justice in my mind.

Thank you!


I think this is gorgeous; what a beautiful thing to inherit. I’m not super knowledgeable on squash blossoms, so hopefully someone else will jump in. It doesn’t have to be super old to be not hallmarked, often things even into the '70s didn’t have a mark. And yes, it does appear to be Navajo made. I’m not even going to make a guess on the turquoise mine, because that is always what it is, a guess, without provenance.


Welcome to the forums : )

It’s beautiful! Sure would love the see some front/back photos of it in the sunlight.

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