Ring Hallmark Help out of Curiosity

Not really concerned about the value…got it for nothing. I must say there is really little chance it will leave my pinky!! Any thoughts on the Yellow stone or the hallmark? And yes it is lapis, onyx and opal (my birth stone! YAY!)

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I have no clue… so I can’t help you, but I did want to say how beautiful and unusual the ring is!

I don’t know, I did a google search for yellow Chinese turquoise, who knew https://www.google.com/search?biw=1680&bih=886&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=qG69WtOhMMfAtQXQq55g&q=yellow+chinese+turquoise&oq=yellow+chinese+turquoise&gs_l=psy-ab.3...65677.67675.0.68101.

Hello. I am new to the forum, but the yellow Stone looks like the type of Amber I was seeing in Chiapas Mexico. I am a beginner though, so I would wait for one of the experts to advise you.