Found this little diddy the other day. Is anyone familiar with the artist? I read this artist had been active since the 70’s but this piece looks fairly new. Any thoughts are appreciated.
Found this little diddy the other day. Is anyone familiar with the artist? I read this artist had been active since the 70’s but this piece looks fairly new. Any thoughts are appreciated.
This is so weird lol. Okay, so I’m good friends with Ronnie, and I thought, “hey I’ll send him a message for you!”
So, Billie Hougart’s text book does list this hallmark as belonging to a Ronnie Joe Henry. I spoke with Ronnie and he said that this isn’t his hallmark! Ronnie’s middle name also isn’t Joe, it’s James! Feel free to PM me, and I can share some screen shots of our conversation with you. Ronnie said that this isn’t his work, but he believes the hallmark might belong to an artist named Ron Henry.
Ps- I also shared this info with Bille Hougart, who was extremely kind and gracious and will correct the information when the next edition of his book is published.
Many Thanks @Bigbree43…Case solved! … I wondered how such a fine piece of jewelry would be sold for so little… you ‘killed two birds’ by making Ronnie James Henry aware, as well as Bille Hougart!.. I greatly appreciate your letting all of us know… You did good!
Thanks! Now to figure out who actually made your ring lol
Thank you for going the extra mile!