Hello , I have 1 lb of Rough Turquoise from the Kingman Mine. All pieces are unstabilized, hard , not chalky. I’ve partnered with a friend to sell these pieces. I’m trying to gather information prior to listing it. Hoping to maximize the outcome of the sale. What information are buyers looking for in a listing? I.e. Specs. I’m fairly certain this is good quality turquoise. Do you agree? What is the going price for similar lots today? And what would be fair price if I wanted to add a reserve price to an eBay auction? Final question: Could you recommend any other avenues ,besides eBay & this forum (trading & Selling), where I might be able to sell this? Thanks & kindest regards to all
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Hello, looks like lots of rocks. We see a guy that comes by the trading post and sells Kingman rough $150 - $200 per pound. We also like to see a couple of pieces cut in the middle and the color. Most of the people we see sell turquoise for a living and have their usual contacts, that is probably the best way. Hope this information helps.
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Yes it does help. I appreciate it very much! Thank you