Rough turquoise, mostly Sleeping Beauty (?)

Yesterday i received 2 little jars with unidentified turquoise.

What is known is that it came from the USA as part of a lapidary collection. This time the seller had insufficient data about the type of turquoise, but expected it to be mostly Sleeping Beauty. I agree with him for the most part, but am not sure about part of it.

1 jar arrived like this:

The other like this:

After examining everything closely i sorted out the stuff that i felt wasn’t SB. Some stones look more like Number 8 to me, some are more on the greener side of things plus there are a few non-turquoise crumbs:

There are also a couple of unfinished cabs in the lot:

Now about the Sleeping Beauty part; about half of the lot does look like the classic SB to me:

it’s the other half i’m not sure about:



I’m hoping that some of you can point me in the right direction. Whatever these stones are, i really do like them a lot and am eager to learn about 'em


Last three photos all look like sleeping beauty, and should yield nice mostly clear cabs with few inclusions.

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For some reason the doubt was heavy on my mind and you have removed it @mmrogers thank you again so much! p.s. I’m using your lighter tip daily with great results (:

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Happy it’s working for you @Bluegreen :+1:

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You’ve got some pretty stones there : )

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Thank you @singing i am very happy with them :slight_smile: