Silver & Turquoise Auction Find

This necklace is another auction find, and I am very curious if anyone can recognize the maker’s mark, or tell me anything about this-- thanks!!

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Older handmade beads for sure with the outward protrusion on each bead hole where it was punched through from the inside before the halves were soldered together. Would be interesting to see the hole on both sides of one of the pieces of turquoise. If both side have that crator kind of look it was probably done with a pump drill. It could be some nice Sleeping Beauty, it has the right color but no way to know with 100% certainty. I don’t know if I can even make out anything about the hallmark, maybe a couple of M’s and an animal figure of some sort?


Thank you! That’s great… here are photos of both sides of one of the turquoise pieces. And I do se M M but can’t make out the other image.

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Nice necklace @Conni . Looks like the turquoise may have been hand drilled also. If you flip the clasp 90 degrees to the left the mark looks like the Mexican eagle mark. Can’t tell what the number inside is, maybe a 2.


Now I see T M M

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At top it looks like the remnant of a Mexican government assay eagle hallmark, 1948-1980s. The letters also look like Mexican typeface.

Mexican beads also can have large openings.