Stumbled onto this site while researching my new pawn shop find.
I’m trying to ID what type of turquoise is in my squash blossom necklace. Bought at a fantastic price from a pawn shop but the dealer didn’t know anything about it. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately it is not marked anywhere on the piece. It is very heavy and I’m pretty certain it is sterling. I have a great deal of NA jewelry that I’ve inherited or picked up over my lifetime. I’ve been wearing it since I was a teen. Have always loved it but am not knowledgeable about turquoise. I just know what I like. Thanks for taking a look.Processing: PXL_20240607_162102980.jpeg…
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Hello and welcome.
Could you upload the photos again? They did not come through.
Please allow the photos time to process and then hit send. Looking forward to seeing your squash.
It is always an educated guess on turquoise unless you have provenance from miner and /or artist. I really don’t have a guess on your stones. But I might go all crazy and guess Persian cause the cabs look domed (I usually guess Kingman )… Seriously, is there any pyrite in the turquoise? That can give a clue.
I am not super well versed in squash blossoms, but I’m wondering if those are machine made beads, because of the prominent seams. It is a pretty squash!
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That’s very interesting. Thank you Ziacat for the info.
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