Some Jewelry my Nevada Uncle Gave Me. Any Info would be helpful!

Hello Everyone

I inherited these pieces from my uncle who lived in Fallon, Nevada. I know he was involved in turquoise mining and jewelry making. I think he may have made these pieces. Any identification or valuation or just your random thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.


Hello Charx, are there any markings stamped on the backs of the ring, cuff or pendant? If so, photos will help us keyboard detectives :sunglasses:.

There are no maker’s marks on any of them. Is the turquoise recognizable?

These are all very nice, I doubt he made all of these. I feel like the ring and pendant could possibly be non-native, but very nicely done. The turquoise beads look like a great match between the heishe and nuggets, most likely Santo Domingo. That last turquoise bracelet I would call Navajo, you will notice the classic twisted wire which the ring and pendant do not have. All of these are great, congratulations.

Thank you! I really like it all… but neither my wife or me wear jewelry so I will probably put it on the market. Anyone have an idea where to start? eBay? etsy? Is there a more specific turquoise classified? Also, any ideas as to what I might ask for them?
Thanks so much!

Maybe someone on the forum would be interested. You are probably going to have to come up with a price that would make you happy.

Thanks, Jason. I will do a little research and come back to the forum!