Squash blossoms I know nothing about Help

Hi all,
I recently inherited these from my grandmother. I think she bought them in the mid 90s at a local dealer in town. There are no signatures on anything and I have no clue how to identify where they came from and how old they are.
Thanks for any help you can offer!!!


Wow that’s a lot of “blossoms” on the bottom picture necklace! Very pretty! :heart:


I can’t offer a lot of help because I’m not in general a huge squash blossom person, but those are beautiful. It looks like in the top one, all the squash blossoms are cast which seems unusual to me. They look a little bit like pineapples! lol


The pieces are very nice. The first necklace reminds me of Herman Coan work, you might do a little research with that name and see if you can find the pattern. He would have casted so likely another exists. His beads are really nice and that is what makes me think of his work.