Storing you turquoise jewelry

I love the DDRanch cases, but they need a bigger size for a week of rodeo :smirk:


I don’t know; they have some pretty big ones

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Yikes! It’s beautiful, but I think I’ll use my bubble wrap…although the smaller would hold enough for me since I don’t have a squash.

Holy Moly that’s some serious simoleons :flushed: for that case - but, I have a lovely old Hartmann leather train case that would easily convert to a similar style if I got really creative with the interiors… :thinking:


Can’t believe I’ve never seen this. Love this large (jumbo) travel case…makes it so easy to see everything at a glance! Thanks for all the info!

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Wolf makes a very similar large travel case in their heritage line for about half what double d sells for.

i own this one, which is perfect for a long weekend’s worth of travel.


@Jemez2 Thanks! Nice smaller case, as you said perfect for a short trip! The one thing I really like about the Double D is the cuff bars, but I’m sure smaller pillows would fit in the bottom compartments for cuffs!

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I am adding on to this thread, because today I am very glad that I have a mini fireproof safe for my jewelry (although I need another; the rest I put in a small box to transport). Our area is under a torcon 5 today. Last year when that happened a tornado did touchdown a few miles from us. So I’m thinking I may put my jewelry in the basement again today :laughing:

When we were out in AZ recently, there were some big prescribed burns going. That also made me think if I lived out west I would be glad to have a fireproof safe for my stuff (although I don’t know how well that would really work in a bad fire, and those are much more scary to me than tornadoes, so probably wouldn’t be what I would be thinking about).

Stay safe everybody!


Oh my. I just looked at the weather radar…looks nasty. We will get hit with the same system…just higher up in WI. Yes…stay safe…:scream::pray:t3:

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Hope all goes well for you @Ziacat; your concern (though humorous) is understandable.
After years and years of shoving my better jewelry into our household and gun safe, my husband got me a good size jewelry safe that has a high fire rating (he’s ex-law enforcement and is always concerned about safety). It has drawers and shelves that make accessing jewelry so easy…and it’s in my closet, so really easy access. If anyone is thinking of getting a jewelry safe, I’d recommend these Fort Knox jewelry safes, they come in varying sizes and can be customized to your specifications (Jeesh, I sound like a salesman!). Of course that would likely cut into the jewelry budget😆.


That looks like a great safe, but doesn’t completely solve the problem for those of us in tornado country that have basements. I would have to keep it in the basement, because it doesn’t look like something I could carry up and down.:laughing: And I would rather not have my jewelry in the basement all the time. All joking aside, my sister, who lives in central IN, did get her house hit by a tornado in '14. Ripped the garage right off, plus did some other damage (although not bad enough to have it condemned). But it took the second floor off their neighbor’s house. Tornadoes are so bizarre.


Ahem, those are spendy, but wow, i would sleep better at night. Especially if it were bolted to the subfloor.


Oh my wow this is fantastic! Love the spinny handle- it’s like a bank vault!


Hope y’all stay safe & the threat doesn’t materialize. The weather has been horrific lately with all the tornadoes & flooding across multiple states.


Yeah, I think tornados are not only bizarre, but really scary! I’m really fortunate to not live in tornado country, our only concern would be fires or theft. Wouldn’t melted jewelry be horrible! And, I’d hate to have to go to the basement to access a safe. Just like everything, it depends on the individual situation. So, fingers crossed for you and all in your area :pray:


Thank you, but I’m sure we’ll be fine. I’m just taking precautions; I worked hard to get all that jewelry :laughing:

TBH, I’d be way more terrified of wildfires. And actually probably more of a chance of a house fire causing loss than a tornado. I’ve only actually seen one once, and it was small and didn’t cause any damage, although I did hear the one last year. But I really do need to get a second fire safe, because only about half of my jewelry fits in the one I have (but I did just carry a box of jewelry to the basement :laughing:).

And now I’m going to head off to what amounts to basically a giant pole barn for work (although there are some cement block locker rooms in the middle)!


OMG, just watching the destruction in Oklahoma…poor people who have lost everything! Time to donate to the Red Cross. Hoping your area stays safe.


We are good here now. We’re up in the northeast corner of IN, and I spent about a half hour in the basement as one went over our area, but it didn’t touch down till it crossed the Ohio line. IN got hit pretty hard, but I don’t think anything like Oklahoma strength wise.

Apparently this wasn’t far from us… I was in the basement so I didn’t see anything :flushed: Southern IN still has warnings.

You just get a feeling when these storms turn bad. The sky gets kind of an uggy color.


Hope you’re okay in WI!


Hope you and the others in tornado prone areas all stay safe. We normally get hurricanes (occasionally a tornado) so we have time to prepare and leave. Living on a barrier island usually means that we are under a mandatory evacuation order. My husband always says we are going together but after I load my jewelry there is no room for anything other than me and my purse! :joy::joy::joy: