Storing you turquoise jewelry

Oh, thanks a lot, that was what I was looking for. I started using mako satin cotton sheets.

NA stuff looks really amazing on it.

That is a mercierized (treated cotton fibers with a solution of sodium hydroxide (lye) under tension), reactive dyed (forms a strong chemical bond with the cotton fibers, leading to vibrant, long-lasting colors) cotton sheet. High quality bed sheet.

Now as I started googling the terms, I feel that this is destroying the silver over time. If you recommend, I’ll rather purchase a natural uncolored untreated one.

ChatGPT is telling me to not use dyed fabric while it clearly recommends mercerized cotton.

As an immediate action, I have now repacked my nice stuff with white T-shirts. Now I will do more research using trustable sources.

Any clear recommendations or clear don’ts on using undyed (natural color) mercerized cotton for silver and turquoise?

Edit: found many sources with many contradicting recommendations. Those seem trustable, having professional experience with silver jewelry

So natural cotton should be fine.

Else, if nobody here has a real experience, I’ll follow Michael’s idea to use those light brown paper bags found in super markets to wrap vegetables and fruits.