Thank You mmrogers

Just want to thank you @mmrogers for your honest assessments on jewelry. Your vast knowledge. You expertise on so many items at so many levels.
You have brought something special to Turquoise people and I for one greatly appreciate it.
Ever since you joined, this forum has changed a lot. Just for us to have someone like you here is amazing.
Thank you Michael for being here.


I’ll gladly second @fernwood on this.

Mike, you are a genuine, honest man that delivers nothing but clear, experienced and concise thoughts. This community is most fortunate for your presence. Thank you for all you’ve done, and continue to do. Every passion should be so lucky as to have a resource such as yourself. :saluting_face:


I just want to agree. I am highly thankful and honor your always honest and expert opinions, Michael. The forum would be very different without you. Thanks for being here.
Also some weeks ago, was about to write that I am not only here for turquoise, but more important are the people here, to me. This is not reddit with poisonous people and bad words. Here we are a round of friends that share a hobby but also a style of keeping the community together in appreciation and enjoyment.


Thank you @fernwood @Ravenscry and @gt75. I really enjoy this unique community of like minded enthusiasts, and truly appreciate all of my friends here who make this forum such an enjoyable place to hang out, and from whom I likewise learn so much!