The Navajo Hogan/Carl Luthey Shop artists

Hello friends! It’s been a while since I had some down time to post. I recently acquired this necklace that has a Carl Luthey Shop mark on the back. (I’m hoping it’s legit!) I’d like to try to narrow down who the artist might be. I’ve looked at work from a handful of their listed artists, but nothing looked stylistically similar. The piece is rather large. The pendant is hinged and has some unique drops at the bottom. There is also a crescent shaped sunrise stamp above each stone. The turquoise is a super pretty minty green with almost a reddish brown matrix. The beads are super long, almost flat melons. (Not sure if they are original to the pendant.) I know a lot of you are avid collectors who might have more insight and a keen eye to some of its unique characteristics. I’d appreciate your thoughts on it! Thank you!


This is quite lovely. I wish I had some information to help you. Maybe someone with more knowledge than me will chime in soon. It’s great beautiful piece and very unique. Congrats on your find :grinning:

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Spectacular! I don’t think it’s Kingman turquoise. :laughing:

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Thank you @CyanideRose18 ! It was more than I pay for most of my flea market finds, but it was so different I had to go for it!

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@nanc9354 Too funny! A bunch of stuff I posted here was Kingman. Many of my things are Royston looking (aka “green rock” as my husband calls it). This one is new to me! I’m hoping someone can ID it.

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Gosh, I dunno, even though I so often say Kingman; it’s the Great Immitator as we all know :laughing:

From the pic the color kinda has a Fox Turquoise feel, but so hard to tell. So I don’t really have a guess…

It’s very pretty!


The piece looks good, love the design. The turquoise has a Fox feel to me as well. Turquoise is always confusing, this is a batch of Easter Blue that has similar qualities.


Thank you for that @Jason! Do you happen to know if there’s a list anywhere of the artists that worked for that shop? I found a few names online, but their work stylistically didn’t match. Thx!

Sorry I don’t know of any list.

I have been assembling a list but knowing the specific artist would usually accompany the artist hallmark as well. Here’s the lists of artist I have compiled so far: Navajo artist Carl Allen Begay (d. 2015), Kewa (Santo Domingo Pueblo) artist Raymond Coriz, Navajo artist Luke Billy Yazzie, Navajo artist Ramon & Louise Platero. Also Anglo artist Les Baker.


Welcome to.the forum @degrepo @! Thank you for sharing your list! I really appreciate that! I’ve not heard of those artists, so it will be a fun project for me to research while I’m out on medical leave.