Thoughts? Not native?

Hi :smiley: So I got this ring in a sterling lot. The turquoise made me remember someone on here saying that they normally painted the white matrix black , so I’m wondering if this is turquoise and thoughts on the style of ring. It seems pretty old and unfortunately no marks but I thought I’d ask and see what you guys think. Thanks you so much in advance :grin:


Looks like turquoise to me. Not all matrix was filled in; mostly I’ve heard of it with Kingman and SB. My understanding is they used to sometimes use black shoe polish. It has the feel of being Native made, and it’s the kind of style I love.


Thanks so much Ziacat :smiley: I fell in love with it when I saw it. It’s a keeper for sure. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my post. Thanks again Ziacat :grin:


You are welcome. I would have answered anyway, but I am mostly hanging around at home while hubby heals! Have lots of time at the moment…also am finally able to get stuff done around the house I’ve been putting off :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I hope your hubby heals fast. I hate surgery but sometimes you gotta get it done. Hoping for a fast easy recovery :grinning:

I wish I could get stuff done but it’s so hot and miserable here. I’m just trying not to move much lol. Have fun checking off your to do list and Thanks so much again :grin:


It’s probably NA. Of course there are no guarantees, but it seems right.
And I’m sure it’s turquoise.
The bezel is called bead wire, and it’s used all the time.
I personally love white chalky matrix because that indicates that it is not treated.


I do have a natural Kingman ring that I believe had the matrix blackened a bit (it’s slowly coming off). It was really light turquoise, and now is much more blue due to my handling it. It was prob a low grade stone since it darkened so much, but now I like it so much better. It’s also a nice big nugget in an unusual shape.

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Thanks Stracci :grin: That’s good to know. I couldn’t tell for sure. My jeweler picks the weirdest pieces to obsess over but hated this one lol. I got quite a few turquoise rings this time, so I’m definitely happy with that. Have you been to your fave spot lately? Thanks so much again for the ring info :smiley:


I also agree. Looks NA and I like the natural matrix.


Thanks so much Steve, I think the matrix is what made me buy it. It was a cool treasure hunt. Thanks again :smiley:

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