Thrift store turquoise

I found this parcel of turquoise cabs at a thrift store yesterday for $6.00.
How could I pass this up?
They are all backed.
Any guesses on origin?




@Stracci What a fantastic find at a thrift store! All I see at my thrifts is Tupperware, lol. I just know you’re going to create some beautiful jewelry with these cabs.


Wonderful lot @Stracci . Our Greedywill store puts EVERY good item they get online. Unlike @Patina , we see Sterlite. No Tupperware anymore either.


@StevesTrail @Patina
This thrift is my favorite. It’s in a smaller NM town, south of Abq.
They’re not too good at checking things.
I’ve found many treasures there!


best my local place could do yesterday was a pet rock

this was left on the cart after the initial free4all cleared out


Well now, that’s cool. Is it petrified wood?

I don’t really even try thrift store shopping here. Who knows what would turn up in IN.


Hey! That’s a nice slice of pet wood! What color!

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I know that what I have dropped off is clothes and books. And more books…

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@Ziacat you must go thrifting!
I find the wildest things!

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Oh, I’m getting ready to drop off a bunch of old skates. I like getting decent ones for kids to reuse, but people think I might want them all. And I get gifted anything skate related. Quite a bit of that has ended up at Goodwill. Sorry kids :laughing:

yes, nice quarter cut of what i suspect should be a bookend pair.
back edge has some nice bark structure
gotta go back today and hope other half shows up
if not no biggie

did not put it down once after I rescued it :sunglasses:


You got a great deal. Even for real pet rocks are going for more…

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Seems like maybe there are several kinds here? This was supposed to go to Stracci.

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Maybe they are all Kingman… :rofl: Just kidding

Perhaps that pale one with black matrix is Chinese?


That’s what I was thinking about that one. The rest seems maybe to have some Kingman (of course :laughing:). That one at the top right looks to have a bit of water webbing. But maybe some other stuff too? The 2 you pictured separately seem different, so :person_shrugging:

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Greedywill store. That is a great name. The owner of our local GW brings in over 1 million a year. this is for profit. They always want you to round up and pretend they are non profit and money goes to the workers. What large business doesn’t hire workers? I like to go and find clothes for the grandkids before they get to an age where second hand clothes are forbidden. no jewelry found at mine.

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The corp people here also make big bucks. That’s why they are termed “for profit non-profits”.

Nice find.
The upper center one looks like some Kingman I have from the 1980’s. I see a few more Kingman, too.,