Oh! This category is near and dear to my heart. When we travel in the four corners area, my husband and I try to search out some of the old trading posts. I had always wanted to go to Toadlena Trading Post, but whenever we were in the area it never seemed like we had the time. So finally in '21 when we were traveling from ABQ to Mesa Verde, CO we visited it. The post is down a back road off of US491 on the way from Gallup to Shiprock right at the edge of the Lukachukai Mountains. It’s not particularly hard to get to, but you definitely need to Google the directions, and the last few miles are gravel.
There are 2 trading posts close to each other, Two Grey Hills (we didn’t make it there, because we ran out of time and the road was too rough for our rental car) and Toadlena. Back in the early 1900’s the owners of the posts collaborated with the local Navajos to develop the famous Two Grey Hill weavings. The website has a lot of history, and there is a very good museum on site.
The trading post is wonderful inside; very old school with old linoleum floors, a tin ceiling, and original wood and glass cases. They sell a few groceries for the locals, and there was some jewelry in one of the cases, but I was on a mission to buy a rug (a Two Grey Hills weaving has always been on my wish list). You have to ask to see the rug rooms, and, goodness! Rugs everywhere - in piles on the floor, hanging on the walls, folded on shelves. It was amazing.
Here are a few pics; they aren’t super clear, because I took them through the windshield, and it was starting to rain. These first two are of the post.
This one is looking east from the post.
These I snapped on the road to the trading post (one is for us horse lovers ).
And here is my rug…
I know this entry is long, but I can’t emphasize enough how wonderful it is to purchase Native made art near where it is made. I know the phrase" stepping back in time" is kinda cliche, but it felt so true at Toadlena. The whole time we were in the building, there was only one other couple shopping, so the experience was entirely unique. If any of you have the chance to visit it, go!!