Trying to Confirm Earrings & a Bracelet by Kirk Smith

Finally, I believe I’ve found some pieces by Kirk Smith.

Let’s start with the earrings. Initially I lingered over the listing because they resemble earrings by Betty Joe. (I really like her signature earring design & I’ve collected about five pairs that she’s made.) But Betty Joe adds a particular number of rain-beads at the base of her earrings. Also the rope twist work on these is much finer. (ETA: Betty Joe uses a serrated bezel on her stones and this bezel is smooth.) Then I saw the “KS” signature. And I remembered that Kirk Smith was Betty Joe’s brother.

Is this Royston or a greenish Kingman?

Now for the bracelet. You know I love coral. I love these basic coral row bracelets & had been looking for a good heavy one, ever since I handled a really nice one by Ernest Roy Begay in a shop in Sedona. (I didn’t buy it because it was too big & so beautifully heavy, I couldn’t shape it.) This had something going on with the interior. Then I was looking at the ends, checking out a very tiny nick, and saw what looked like “KS.”

The interior design is so deeply impressed, would this have been cast?

So my questions:

  • Are these by Kirk Smith?
  • What turquoise in the earrings?
  • How would you price these at your store?



That is a sweet coral bracelet. So glad you found one that fit. How cool that both the bracelet and the nice earrings appear to be made by the same person.

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These are beautiful pieces great find… Lucky you!
I have a few of his bracelets and they have the same older hallmark as are on your pieces. I have also seen many other row bracelets done by Kirk that have the same interior design as the coral bracelet. Anxious to hear what the estimated values are.

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Nice pieces. I would call that turquoise Kingman. The bracelet is cast. Kirk had about 20 different templates he would use. He didn’t make his cast pieces often, but like his silver they had a unique look. Coral has become very expensive, I would put the bracelet around $900 - $1200. Because the earrings have his hallmark I would put $180 - $225 on those. I have included an image of another Kirk Smith cast bracelet, this time in gold. Thanks again for sharing.


Thanks, Jason, for your insight into Kirk Smith’s work and the estimate on retail price.

Also thanks for sharing the view of the gold bracelet. I just looked at a “sold” Kirk Smith gold bracelet with inlay on the Perry Null sales site. What a gorgeous piece of work.