Aaron, speaking of ketohs, this photo has been my phone’s Home Screen for a couple of years. Can’t bring myself to changing it.
What a wonderful cab!
I wouldn’t be able to change it if it was mine either! It’s a marvelous Home Screen choice!
You probably won’t believe this, but I’ve got that screenshot on my phone as well. It’s not one of my screens, but it’s one of my favorites to look at. I think I had seen it on Pinterest, was it originally from the Susan Swift Gallery? I can’t recall.
I’ve got an inkling this is yet another hole I’ll be diving down…perhaps, when the time is right and we’ve gathered some subject matter, we can start a ketoh dedicated thread!
Not sure, but someone had a tasteful eye.
Sure! Actually I posted this cuff on here a couple times previously - I think in the cross jewelry and spider web turquoise threads. It’s a BritWest leather cuff, but she collaborates with Native American artists in a lot of her jewelry and silver work. I love that she hunts around in barns for old bridle, saddle, driving reigns and such that she reworks to use in cuffs and belts. The turquoise is natural Kingman; Brit goes to the mines herself and picks out the stones. And yep, I was wearing both of them today!
About 5 years ago we finally sold off my family’s old furniture store buildings, and I took a bit of the money and bought a couple of her cuffs that I knew my father would have loved because of how she uses the old leather.
To keep this in line with the thread theme, here is a painting by Charles Russell that I love. Maybe that’s a ketoh on the one rider’s arm
I’d agree with that @Ziacat, the same rider appears to be wearing a fine belt as well! Thanks for sharing this wonderful painting!
Awesome photo! Too bad it doesn’t show your silver cuff.
I know, right?! That’s just a googled online photo. I looked for one with my cuff, but the only thing that has it is the video, and that’s a little too blurry
Well looky here…another fleur-de-lis/cornstalk design in TAH’s ketoh pic, kinda like what’s on @Stracci’s new cuff!
Hmmm…the mystery deepens!
Will Shuster, The Voice of the Earth (The Basket Dance), 1934. Painting depicts Native American women participating in a ritual at a New Mexico pueblo. This artwork is considered a significant piece in the New Mexico Museum of Art, where it is displayed as a mural in the patio.
@TAH I.see.najas… (a beautiful painting).
I was watching Antiques Roadshow the other day and a lady brought in a painting by Ernest Spybuck. Was anyone watching that one? Antiques Roadshow | PBS
Thanks Zia! Mark just precisely explained what this thread is all about with a perfect example.
Nice! Thanks for sharing Zia!
FINALLY, an artist who has his priorities in the right place!
Daniel Falcon
Study of a Buckle
Tierra Amarilla
Arroyo del Oso
Thank you for sharing these @TAH! I can finally swap out the Frederic Remington’s for something more suiting!!