Turquoise Cab Lot

I purchased these cabs for a little less than $1 a piece. The person I bought them from was a silver scrapper, and I image he probably melted some amazing pieces to have all of this turquoise that he didn’t really care for. Anyways, After sorting through them, I can see roughly about 4 types of turquoise.

The first kind looks like it may be Morenci Turquoise:

This next one is very plain, but has nice color:

These have a nice texture and a variety of color:

And finally my favorites, these very webby, sliced nuggets.

Firstly, now that I own these. I have no idea what to do with them. Additionally, does anyone recognize any of the mines? Any thoughts are welcomed.


Cool score, now you need to make them into jewelry, or sell them for 10 to 20x what you paid for them.


Very nice! Sad about the melting of the silver jewelry. I look forward to seeing what you do with these! Wouldn’t it be cool if you could commission a native american artist to make pieces for you? Anyway, if you go this direction, I’d definitely be interested in supporting an artist directly (rather than say 2nd or 3rd hand through ebay). I’d love a cuff made with that first set of Morenci.


Super nice buy! Now you can take up jewelry making. I like those sliced webby ones too. Also the ones that look like Morenci.


For me it would be a real treasure :wink: