Vintage blue glass bracelet with insignia of some kind

So I purchased this for $8 because I thought it was lapis but the cabs are glass. They look like porcelain to me. There is an insignia but I haven’t found much about it. I didn’t see the insignia until I got it in the mail. Any thoughts on what this little insignia means? It’s a cool little bracelet that is heavier than I expected.


University of Pittsburgh!


Could it be a Sorority or award bracelet from University of Pittsburg?
Or something that was available to buy?


Stracci, you are good :grin: I looked and found nothing lol. I’m terrible at that anyways but thank you so much. I appreciate it. I’m in pa too but I got this from a seller in New York. Thanks so much again :smiley:

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Thanks so much fernwood :grinning: I’ll look that up too. Thanks again

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I grew up in SW Pa, a bit south of Pittsburgh!
Also, based on the style of the sections and the design of the clasp, I think this bracelet dates to 1920s…30s at the latest

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ecch I wrote a whole thing about the Latin phrase, which is used in several universities and other schools. To me this bracelet looks like Italian-made tourist jewelry, which has Roman/Etruscan inspiration in design. Carry on :smile:

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And that reminds me of a little pitcher my grandma brought back from Italy many, many years ago. It says “in vino veritas” (in wine is truth, or something like that). Makes me chuckle.

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The first thing I noticed was the spring ring closure. That can be helpful in identifying the approximate age of a piece. I agree with @Stracci about the era of the bracelet, and would lean more toward the 1930s. Nice bracelet.


Thanks again Stracci :smile: The coat of arms for Pittsburgh is just like my bracelet even down to the little birds in the little circles. I found some never jewelry with that same coat of arms. Makes sense now that the cabs are blue :grinning:


Yep, University of Pittsburgh “Veritas et Virtus” motto is truth and virtue. My late friend’s husband was a dean there. The bracelet is cool, and the pendant classic.


Thank you so much :grin: I don’t think I would have found out what it was without posting it here and Stracci’s good eye :smiley:

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I’m very happy to help!


Thanks so much Stracci, I really appreciate you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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