What's your grail piece?

Have you acquired it? Is it available for sale, but you haven’t pulled the trigger? Is it a piece that have seen and admire, but not obtainable?

For me, it would probably be Ralph Lauren’s sandcast buckle. Love everything about it - design, size, color, etc. Every time I see it, I wonder if Mr. Lauren would be interested in trading it for my house. :grinning:


This is such a great post, I’m excited to see everyone’s responses!!


Any one of these would do!


Mine would be Jim Morrison’s famous concho belt by Joe H. Quintana. Nobody knows what happened to the belt after Morrison died.


Orbit, you might have to settle for one made by Joe’s son, Cippy :slightly_smiling_face:.


One I missed when my husband decided to interrupt me at the end of the auction.

The concho belt I lost all by myself. I can only hope that we cross paths again some day.


Don’t mean to make you feel bad, but that concho belt is outstanding. :+1:

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Yes, I know. Those two pieces have been haunting me ever since—especially the belt. I’m hoping that it will reappear in my life someday.

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These are two pieces that I missed out on. The first one is from @Christibo. He had this coral squash blossom that I thought was so unique. He had originally posted it here on the forum to ask our opinions about it, and I fell in love right away! I lurked on his Etsy where it was posted to admire it from time to time, and it sold after a few weeks =(

The second piece I found listed on Instagram, and I’ve never seen another one like it. The width of the Naja on this squash measured 7.5 inches across, and it weighed a ton. I loved how huge it was and the dry creek turquoise was incredible, I’ve never seen colors like it in Dry Creek before. It was priced at $5000. I so wish i had had bought it.


Both are spectacular. I agree, that Dry Creek to absolutely stunning.

I know! Cippy’s belts are beautiful. It wouldn’t be quite the same though, and I doubt I’d be able to afford one anyway…

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It’s sad that Morrison’s belt has been “lost”. It would have been a special piece for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

There was this piece Cher wore…

Bulgaria Jeweler Maria Alexova


Very interesting buckle. What is the center material? Mother-of-pearl?

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This is a moonstone & Mexican turquoise buckle made in 2008 by metalsmith Maria Alexova -listed today at $1,288 resale. Really I don’t wear jewelry except for a little nothing sterling ring my grown daughter found in the dirt while we were working in the yard one day. She was so sweet when she came to me at 6 or 7 years old saying “I found this for you mom”. Have worn the ring now for a long time and it is my holy grail piece. If I wore another piece I’d like this buckle.


GMaybe we should go on a hunt to locate Morrison’s belt!


Count me in! I say we start at Val Kilmer’s house. :face_with_monocle:


This gorgeous Mark Chee bracelet would definitely be on my list. If only I could win the lottery.


Gorgeous Bisbee😍 I would happily pay an arm and a leg lol

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