Who made this silver & turquoise pendant signed JK?

Does anyone recognize the artist who made this very large heavy pendant?
The back says “STERLING” and “JK” (with the two letter run together like a brand).
It is over 3-1/2 inches tall.
[later: photos added a little further down]

I’ve seen a “JH” where the 2 letters run together… are you sure it’s a K,
can you post a picture or 2 of it?

Can you share a photo, back and front? You say “this pendant” which made me think you were trying to show us something in particular.

Does this look similar?

Just figured out how to add photos!
Here are the front and back images.

Yes, this hallmark DOES look like yours.
Can you tell me anything about the artist?
Or a guess at what we should ask for it?

The local senior center will have this in their annual fundraiser Jewelry Sale soon. Does $115.00 sound like the right price to put on it? More? Less? (The local “gold and silver exchange” store valued it at $85 to melt down for the silver; which I would hate to do.)
What price would you put on it?
Any suggestion of someone who might want to by it?

Comparing with eBay can help. Do a search in Advanced, check the box for “sold” and use “large old pawn pendant” and see what turns up.

It looks to be Navajo style, definitely a more modern piece, post 1980-1990 for sure. I’m not familiar with that artist, so I do think that a low, fair price is $115 like you said. I would expect a pendant like this in an auction to definitely sell for that price. In my store, I would have it priced around $145-$155, without regard to the artist. Again, that is a “shop price.”

If it doesn’t sell in the auction, I wouldn’t recommend eBay for this piece, simply because you have so much competition with Native American jewelry. By listing this on eBay, you would probably be looking at a listing price of ~$85. It’s uncommon (in my opinion) to have a pendant this large, and I don’t think you should have a problem finding a buyer.

Again, this is without regard to the artist. Knowing artist will usually will impact the value. If someone on here is familiar with JK, then the value might change based on who it is.