Hi - I’ve gotten different opinions from several Natives as to what this stone actually is. Was I scammed into thinking it’s white buffalo turquoise (I’ve since been told there’s no such thing as white buffalo turquoise).
@COnative Hi & Welcome! Very nice necklace. The stones look to me like what I see referred to as “White Buffalo”. In my opinion, that’s a marketing name only. I often see this stone used in jewelry. However, I personally don’t believe this stone is turquoise. Hopefully, others will chime in with their knowledge.
I’m no White Buffalo expert, but this looks like White Buffalo stone to me. White Buffalo is not actually turquoise, I think it’s made of magnesite and alumite, but people often incorrectly market it as White Buffalo turquoise. White Buffalo is still a nice stone, it’s just not turquoise. It’s mined by the Otteson family in Nevada as linked above by @Steve.
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