Ziacat, I've a feeling that we're not in Kingman anymore

You never cease to amaze me with your sleuthing skills! What a great comparison piece!


Here is another one for comparison. I was told that it looked like Damale Faustite

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I’m rescinding my original sentence about “…not ruling out Chinese turquoise.” From the info & jewelry comparisons presented here, it now looks to me like the squash blossom’s cabs are Damele.


Wow Steve you are amazing to find that!I have been looking for the last two weeks and have literally gone through thousands of photos and could not find anything close. I had contacted mmrogers and he said whomever made this was a skilled silversmith and to look out for a similar piece. Thanks, that one is obviously made by the same smith.


And that is the exact color of the stones in my necklace. I could not get a decent photo with my phone.