Zuni Clusters Question

The top three are matching. Jason says they’re around $120 ea. The fourth one has $165 written on back with a sharpie and the fifth one the same with $200 written on it. I have no reason to think the prices of the 4th and 5th ones are terribly out of line, and please tell me if you think they are.
My question is, what is so bad about the last one, It had $35 on the back of it and I can’t really see why it would be worth so much less? Or is it? (I did not like the $35 on the back so I rubbed it off with my thumb.) I tried to get a sharp image on the last picture so you can see all the fibers and stuff :microbe: down in the crevices.


Maybe that was the price long ago. That one looks to have some age. Remember the carved one I posted a while back that Jason said had Tobe Turpen Jr’s mark and the price was $17.00 back then.

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You never know the journey a piece fo jewelry makes. Most likely it ended up at no cost or very little cost in some sellers hand, and that person didn’t know what they had. Did you pay $35?

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