2nd time around cuff

I almost bought this Robert Johnson cuff last year at the Eiteljorg Market, but I walked away, and found the Reggie Mitchell cuff. So…this year he had another, and since he only had one I decided it had my name on it. It was a bit big, but he shaped be a little smaller for me. He and his wife were a pleasure to chat with. Robert told about how he uses “male” and “female” stamps for the flowers, and that the stones are natural Kingman.

I really like the sides; I am not sure of the terminology - are they called shanks, and are they carinated (my auto text changed that to marinated :laughing:)?

And as a plus, I have his matching earrings (thanks to another forum member)!


Very nice.
That you were able to purchase it from the artist and talk with him is a bonus.


It is! I’ve looked at his jewelry for a number of years at the market, and finally bought something. I think @here4turquoise recently bought one of his pieces.


@Ziacat The cuff & earrings make a pretty set, indeed. I’d agree that cuff had your name on it. Yes, the cuff’s band is carinated.


@Ziacat Your Robert Johnson bracelet looks great! I’m so pleased you found it. The added bonus is you already have the matching earrings!

Here is the Robert Johnson naja with natural Montezuma Royston. The beads are Artie Yellowhorse. I purchased from him online and the transaction was flawless.


This cuff is amazing! So gorgeous!
You have great taste, I must say!

Ok, so here’s the weird coincidence.
I was in my favorite pawn shop just yesterday, and there was pair of earrings that I looked at.
They are the exact match to this bracelet! Except one was missing the little turquoise stone, which I can replace.

I asked to see them. I said to the pawn shop guy…“Hmmm, I wonder who RJ is?”
Now I know!
I’m gonna run back over there and get those earrings!


Thanks, I love your naja. I’m pretty much done shopping for jewelry for the year, budget is a you know what :laughing:


Thank you! Apparently you have great taste also since we like the same stuff :grin:

That’s so funny that you just saw a pair of his earrings! I kept being tempted by the earrings, but never bought them. And then one of the forum members had a pair that she offered to sell to me, so I snapped them up. He uses these flowers in a lot of different pieces of jewelry. Yes, you must go back and get them! Especially since you can replace the stone yourself.


Ziacat, I think you are throwing out some kind of crazy turquoise juju!
And I caught it all the way over here!


Definitely go back and get them! You will not be disappointed. Don’t forget to share them with us. :grin:

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Thank you.
Budget smudget, I have bought an squash, VERY unintentional purchase and a bracelet since I blew my annual budget. You know, if you see it and like/love it, you have to buy it as you may never get another chance at that piece.


You’re probably right! However, I practically never buy online, because I love to connect my pieces with memories of the place where I bought them, so I’ll probably be safe until I head out west, or the Eiteljorg gift shop :grin: But you never know…


So pretty with lovely patina and curves that bring out the petals! @here4turquoise …love your naja and Artie yellow horse necklace. I have a couple items from AY…his items are so clean and exact.


Thanks! I think the soft, almost brushed patina is one of the things I really liked about it. Funny thing is, this isn’t usually the style of Native American jewelry (flowery) I’m drawn to, but for some reason I love his.


I had the pleasure of seeing Zia’s new cuff on her at the market. It’s even better looking in person - just saying. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hahaha, yes once I bought it I took off my Anthony Lovato corn cuff to wear the new one. The frog cuff stayed on my other arm; never know who else might recognize me :laughing:


And just sayin’, if your lovely daughter hadn’t bought the Cheyenne Custer turquoise cuff I might have bought that before I ever saw this one, so it all worked out in the end!


@Ziacat and @TAH Its great hearing your Market tales. I hope to get up there next year. :crossed_fingers:t3:


@Stracci, so…did you buy the earrings?


@Stracci Enquiring minds want to know! :wink:

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