A Cadman Kaizen Cuff

Would someone be able to help me with the identifying of this stones on this onyx cuff. It looks to be a bright zircon - and other other? If anyone has any ideas please let me know. It is a heavy piece and would absolutely love to know what these stones are…very unique …
I hope the pictures will help.
Thank you!!!

IMG_5418 (1)


The gold cabs flanking the center are very clearly Baltic amber. I can’t quite see the terminal stones to tell if they’re also amber or something different.

Do you know that the black is in fact onyx versus jet? If glassy and high gloss, yes onyx.


Thank you for that inisight to the difference between onyx and jet …very interesting. One does learn something every day!!!
This stone is shiny, so assuming onyx, also I have also attached a more upclose picture for the terminal stones which may helpin the stone indentification. I actually have never seen anything like it.
Thank you so much for your input.

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What is Kaizen meaning on the back? I have researched an really not found a good meaning …is it a type of silver? is it part of his hallmark ? the only hallmark I find is the A CADMAN.
I am still researching …

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Kaizen is the nickname of a famous/beloved Anglo female artist, Kai Gallagher, so her hallmark wouldn’t be in the NA resources. I believe based in Santa Fe. She often does collaborations with Native silversmiths.


I think the side stones are Baltic amber, but in a different shade from the usual “honey.” What a pretty combo of colors! :+1:


Ok that makes more sense. A collaboration with a Native silversmith…as in Chimney Butte Nuguematz.
Yes, it is a very pretty cuff. Thank you!!!

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Now you just need to find a mosquito with some dinosaur DNA in it in your amber. Just like in Jurassic Park.

It is a pretty cuff!


You have onyx and amber there. from the looks of the amber it is not Natural amber, but amber nonetheless. You will want to keep that cuff out of the light when you are not wearing it and protect the amber from contact with chemicals and even perfumes.
Below is a link to a site where you can learn more about amber and below that is some natural amber from my collection.


Thanks for the info @Christibo. I’ve always been curious about it. I have a little amber pendant a skating student brought back for me from Poland.

So prob no dinosaur DNA lol

Christibo, what are your thoughts about the center stone being Jet vs Onyx? It would be in keeping with the organic theme of the cuff.

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In my experience there is very little Jet used due to it being chalky, onyx is harder and easier to use. I have only seen Jet used a few times in Jewelry, it is more common in fetishes and carvings.

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I think I will have to agree with you here. I just thought of it because I have an older bracelet that is jet and also a carved raven head necklace that was done by Brian Yatsattie. But once again you’re talking about Zuni carving for the most part.

Thank you very much for your thoughts and the information!!!

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Onyx, also widely used by Mexican silversmiths, will be cold to the touch as well, and surprisingly enough not subject to flea bites on edges like jet would be. The large cuff is 4" wide , Alfredo Villasana and the smaller onyx bracelet is 1 5/8" wide by Patino.

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I guess I could have added the pics. LOL



Those are beautiful!!!

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