Concho belt Hallmark and info

We have a lot of turquoise jewelry from my Grandparent’s collection. They lived in Denver and later S. CA. This won’t be the only post I’m thinking. My father believes this belt was purchased in Gallup, NM because they would visit family there as a child. I would date in the 50’s. Initials on buckle are B.C. I thought I should try and find out some history before I make a craft project out of the pieces. For a beautiful display of course. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!


possible id - Bessie Castillo (Navajo). Mark: B. C.


Great belt. It looks like it has some nice turquoise in it. Are you going to use it as is in a shadow box frame? I think it would make a pretty display piece.

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Thank you! Very interesting.

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Thinking about gluing to the edge of a mirror, circling. I’ll have to shine them up and find the right size mirror….oh oh shopping/antiquing :laughing:

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Being such a beautiful belt and special remembrance of your grandparents, consider keeping it as a classic Navajo concho belt. Displaying it something like this would create interesting decor and wonderful conversation. Just my two cents. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m with you, I kinda gulped at the thought of glue on these conchos :flushed:


@TAH Thanks, you said what I was thinking but didn’t quite know how to put into words. What a unique way to showcase a beautiful concho belt!


It’s a beautiful piece and deserves to be preserved. :slightly_smiling_face:


You might also reconsider polishing the silver. It takes years to acquire a warm, natural patina, which is very desirable to collectors. It’s a stunning belt in its current condition. Thank you for posting it.


Wow, I didn’t know. I’m Midwest so didn’t know the significance. I do now. I am a thoughtful/spiritual person and admire the native way of thinking. We are all connected. I truly appreciated the feedback. Thank you


I’m from the Midwest also, welcome! You can learn a lot on this forum, if you read old threads. If you put “concho belt” in the search bar at the top, you will pull up many threads with more info.

I believe we all think your belt is beautiful, and we admire the talent, skill, and work that went into making it. I imagine it would cost quite a bit today. Lots of silver and turquoise there!

I had a nice little Native belt buckle that I loved, but didn’t wear, because it needed to be on a small belt, and I didn’t really have any that I liked. So I debated, and finally had it sent to a shop in Albuquerque that has Native American artists that do the repairs. I had it switched to a pendant, and now I wear it a lot. There is debate on having things changed, and here is a good thread we had on that.
Remade and never regretted

Enjoy your wonderful piece of art!


Yeah Midwest!! Fernwood and I am from Wisconsin


If you do decide to make something else with it, make it “undoable” by using chain, lacing, or wire, so in the future it could be reconstructed or repurposed again…
It’s beautiful :star_struck:


I admit I would be displaying it around my tummy as much as possible :slightly_smiling_face: