I bought this pendant yesterday for $33 in a vintage shop. Maybe Native made, maybe not.
The first pic shows accurate color.
Does it look like Damele variscite?
I was excited to find it.
I bought this pendant yesterday for $33 in a vintage shop. Maybe Native made, maybe not.
The first pic shows accurate color.
Does it look like Damele variscite?
I was excited to find it.
Yes, it does! I woulda snapped it up, too!!
@Stracci Yes, it looks like variscite to me. Very nice pendant. I would’ve purchased that in a heartbeat. (Looks artisan made, imo.)
So I have a ring with a stone that looks a lot like the one in your pendant. I posted it on here a long time ago when I first joined the site. Someone showed a picture of Chalcosiderite which was a near match to mine. Here’s a link to that thread; there’s some interesting info in it.
This stone puzzles me
Love your stone - love the pendant!
@Jemez2 @Patina
Thanks for confirming! The shop didn’t know what it was, so I got lucky in that respect.
@Ziacat Your ring is gorgeous! I love the geometric vibe. Yes, it sure looks like the same material!
It’s interesting, because the shop I bought mine from said it was turquoise, but as I learned more I kinda doubted that. So it was nice to learn more on here about the stone. Yours definitely looks like mine.
After much research, I’m beginning to think it is New Lander.
You know what, I wondered about that myself early on when I first started trying to figure out the stone in my ring.
When looking again I found this among a bunch of other articles Nevada New Lander Chalcosiderite Natural Loose Stone 15.0 ct SKU227552 – Turquoise Canyon
So my question is, is New Lander a type of Chalcosiderite? Because my stone (like yours) looks like a lot of New Lander I’ve seen, but also looks exactly like the pictures of Chalcosiderite that @markyboy57 posted.
Lol my voice texting changed Chalcosiderite to chocolate
@Stracci It does look more like New Lander variscite than Damele. Though, I have seen some Colina Verde variscite cabs that look similar to your stone, imo. Lots of variscite out there & lots of different names. I think I’ll stick with spiderweb variscite .
@Patina @Ziacat
The more I looked at variscite, the more confused I was getting!
When I’m interested in something, I really dig into it. So I spent hours researching variscite.
Lots of names, mines in close proximity to each other, and similar characteristics.
Okay, gonna muddy the water some more. After reading this link from Garland’s The Turquoise Mineral Group - What's the difference between Turquoise, – Garland's
and these…