Dry Creek?

Hello. I recently purchased this bracelet at a flea market. I was hoping that it was Dry Creek Turquoise. It has been metal tested and it is sterling silver. Can someone verify if it’s Dry Creek? Any thoughts about this bracelet is appreciated. Thank you!


Looks like some sort of quartz to me. Any Hallmarks? Looks Mexican.


Hi @Amandalyn. In my opinion, this is not Dry Creek turquoise, or any type of turquoise. Turquoise is a hydrated phosphate of copper and aluminium and will have some degree of blur/green color. The higher the copper content in the bluer the stone, and the higher the iron content, the greener the stone (iron impurities replace copper).
There are some stones called White turquoise, but it is not (chemically) turquoise.


Kinda looks like quartz to me also; or maybe even some kind of granite. I have stones from Lake Superior shoreline that look quite a bit like this, and they are granite. Not turquoise.


Pretty. Could be agate.


It does look somewhat like granite to me. When polished, granite often looks a lot different than it does when rough.
I am not seeing any evidence of feldspar, which is usually in granite.

It also looks a little like low grade picasso marble.

It is a very pretty bracelet. Your photos are showing to me as black and white stones. Is there any hint of blue/turquoise in them?.


This is polished granite. My jeweler is experimenting with it…I actually like it😄.


That’s what I thought! Looks like my Lake Superior rocks!!

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Yes there is a turquoise tint. It’s very pale though. Which is why I thought it may be Dry Creek. There are no markings on this bracelet. Here are some more pictures that kind of show the color better.

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@Amandalyn Hi ~That’s a nice, contemporary bracelet. In my opinion, these cabs are not Dry Creek turquoise. They don’t look like variscite to me, either.


I really appreciate everyone’s input. I will definitely be reading up on some of the different stones mentioned.


Yeah, I would bet $ these are not turquoise or variscite.


dendritic or tree agate.


Here’s some tree agate…sure looks like it!

And here is my granite. It reminds me of the posted stone, but not as close as I thought.


@Amandalyn do you mind sharing why you thought it could be Dry Creek?

Also, it’s not Native American made, in case that was also your expectation.


Well I wasn’t sure at all which is why I’m trying to learn more and why I asked to be part of this forum. The piece was with other turquoise and it has a pale bluish green tint with golden brown veins. Also, I saw similar pieces online claiming to be dry creek. So I thought I’d ask others to see what they thought. These pictures are all very different but are said to be dry creek. Therefore, I thought I should look into it.

When I look closely at my piece I do see some similar characteristics, therefore I thought I’d get feedback.

Thanks to some kind word of this group, I’m now studying some of the other stones mentioned.


Wow! I have never seen any agates that look like that before. Usually, agates have banding, tubes, oolites or moss like formations in them.
Agates are also translucent and contain some quartz.


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I hear what you are saying, but there actually is a big difference (texture, color, matrix) in how these look compared to turquoise. But good that you asked! It can be confusing.

I think your stones are very pretty!


Me either. @Jemez2 mentioned them, so I googled and found quite a bit.

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