Help ID'ing two stones

Thanks in advance for taking a look and any possible help. I apologize for the poor picture of the first ring. It’s not in my possession at the moment. Based on the poor clarity, can you tell what the stone is?

The second ring I’ve had for a while. Is it N/A, and what do you think the stone is? It measures almost 2 inches top to bottom. It’s not signed or marked but has been tested as sterling.


Both of these rings appear to be Native American made. The first is a piece of New Lander (Royal Web) Turquoise and the other is Petrified Wood. Both look to have some age and the Petrified Wood piece is most likely the older of the two.


Thanks so much for the quick reply, Jason! I’m glad I asked because I was way off on my guess for both rings!


Nice rings, I especially love the second; petrified wood in Native American jewelry is really cool. I’ve got one petrified wood ring (with an old Tobe Turpen pawn ticket) that I wear often. I have another ring with a stone similar to your first ring, but I think mine is Chalcosiderite or Damale. But I have also read that New Lander is often Chalcosiderite?


Thanks @Ziacat ! I went back to buy the first ring after Jason’s post, but somebody beat me to it :roll_eyes:. I think I’ll hang onto the second one for a while. Would love to see a pic of your ring when you get a minute.

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Well, that’s a bummer! It was a really unusual stone.

I’ll snap a pic later today of the petrified wood ring, but here’s a link to the conversation on the other one. This stone puzzles me

Thanks for the link, @Ziacat . I had a feeling it might be New Lander, but there was so much brown material surrounding it, I just wasn’t sure. It was beyond my meager knowledge of types of turquoise :thinking:.

Here is my ring.

Back in the 90’s, when the Eiteljorg Western Art Museum would have its art market, someone from Tobe Turpen would bring in small crates of pawn jewelry. Bought this then. It had a crack and no hallmark, so that’s prob why I got a nice price. Still have the pawn ticket.

And on a piece of petrified wood for fun.


Wow, that’s a beautiful ring, @Ziacat ! I love the navette shape and the coloring of the stone. The frame is also beautifully executed. Great ring! Thanks for showing it! Cool piece of driftwood, too! I just put a couple pendants up on this thread. Trying not to be a pest, but I’m taking a pivot from vintage costume jewelry for a bit :grinning:.

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Nice ring. Love the silver work. Here is a ring I recently picked up. Sometimes I can wear it, sometimes not…depending on how much my fingers swell. :laughing:


Great coloring in that stone and silver work around it, @nanc9354! Thank you for showing it!


Thank you. Yours is a beautiful ring also. I love the long stone style of yours and Zias. Looks so classy.

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Thank you @585925 and @nanc9354; I was drawn to the black/brown coloring and the fluted (or crimped) silver. Unfortunately the band is a wee bit bent, so I may need to get that fixed someday. I really like both of your rings, they are warmer colored so you can see the pattern better. Petrified wood is amazing.

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I agree with you @Ziacat. Each stone is different and has its own personality. I’ve never had a piece of petrified wood jewelry, and that makes my ring even more special to me! I’m in the PW club! Hehe!

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