Lots of webbing and there is no signature identified, just a series of etched Markings like cuts. I would love to know more. Please any help would be appreciated.
It is a beautiful ring. 20190731_122353|387x500
on 8/3 at 6:09 pm I sent an email to his son Dillon@ asking the same thing. made sure no links or attachments in message hoping to get past any spam filters but no response up to this point. might take a phone call if the line is still working. I think I read they closed down the brick and mortar and went strictly online.
@Steve thank you! I have been unable to reply to my post until I received permission finally I sent message to them (durango silver) through messenger. I will give a call next week if I do not hear from them. I did have an appraiser tell me that it was lander blue, I won’t get too excited yet, from one person view if it is. I just know it is an exceptional stone and ring.
I think you have an exceptional ring and I hope that it turns out to be Lander. Regardless of what an authority says, wear it with pride.
I read fairly recently that Durango was no longer doing appraisals unless you want to sell to them. That may be part of the lack of response.
@Islandmomma I just want to know if John Hartman made the ring. I have had ring appraised. I’m trying to verify maker. Thank you for kind words and vote of confidence!
@Islandmomma I’ll let you know if I get a confirmation. The only other possibility is Charles Loloma. There are actual markings in the ring almost etched that could be his piece. I also have an email and request for that maker as well. I’ll update!!
What an incredible ring! I bet you’re right that it is one of Hartman’s. He responded to a question of mine a few years ago about some Bisbee turquoise fairly quickly. Maybe send a snail mail too?