Large turquoise nugget…what to do?

Looks lovely. I like the pyrite matrix. Of course you can cut around it, but a good matrix is one of the hallmarks of good turquoise. With the exception of Persian turquoise, matrix is generally one of the beautiful features of turquoise and should not be removed in any way. Use it in the design. I can’t tell how thick the stone is, but it looks like you could get 2 to 4 lovely cabochons out of it.

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Thanks for your suggestions. Yes the cut nugget is thick enough to get several nice thick cabs. Maybe that’s the best option. But the outside of the nugget is so gorgeous and sparkling from the pyrite, part of me wants to just keep it as is…at least for now😊

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You’re not the only one with this problem!

What we need is some sort of ring “adapter”, a little like the one used to convert a brooch to a pendant. Ideally it would work so that we could wear a ring as a pendant with the design facing outward, rather than having it pointing at the floor at the mercy of gravity.

There is an unspoken market demand for this, I feel sure! :grin:

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Actually, it would make a great pendant. I have had acouple large rings made into pendants, but had to remove then replace the stones to convert it. I love this ring because of the wonderful turquoise even though I don’t wear it😊.
As you said, if an enterprising individual was able to come up with an adaptor, they’d likely find a pretty good market!

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