Looking for Casa Kakiki

My father was the creator and owner of Casa Kakiki, a well-known and respected designer and seller of Native Turquoise jewelry. Unfortunately, a disaster destroyed all of the jewelry I had of his. I am looking for pieces I can purchase and pass down to my family.




google image search results for Kakiki jewelry


How much for the horse? :slightly_smiling_face:


Wow! That is awesome! So sorry to hear about losing your family jewelry. There are several threads here pertaining to Kakiki if you search the name on this site. We would be very appreciative of any info you might be able to provide regarding your dad and or Casa Kakiki! Kinda an enigma around here! This is a piece I have.


got 2 on the feed buckets & salt licks +++

I’ll pass


Wow! Your necklace is beautiful and artistic.

@Kimbe…sorry the family heirlooms were destroyed. Good luck in your search to find the pieces you desire.


@Kimbe I’m sorry to hear that your father’s jewelry was destroyed in a disaster. While unfamiliar with Casa Kakiki, a shoutout thanks to @Steve for posting those Google images. Your father’s jewelry is incredible! Oh, my, those are some fabulous statement pieces. Wishing you all the best in your Casa Kakiki jewelry search.

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@AC Holy Mackerel that’s an impressive piece of jewelry! The turquoise is gorgeous and the design style is unique (at least to me it is). Thanks for sharing.


What would you like to know?

Howard Shaw, my dad, a Cheyenne from Oklahoma started the business in the late 60’s (68ish) here in El Paso using the resident Tigua Indians as his workforce.

My mother, and I along with Dad and a few of the Tiguas designed the pieces, the Tiguas executed the designs and Dad drove all over the country buying raw materials, selling jewelry, attending shows and winning awards - lots of them - for quality, design and authenticity.

Below is a shot of my Dad with a couple of the girls in the tribe circa 1971.

Is there any chance any of you who have pieces would be willing to part with one or two?

H & Indian Girls


Thank you for this info! I don’t think I knew anything about the Tigua Indians (maybe I learned somewhere and forgot, because I have read a lot of NM history). So I googled and read this.Tigua Indians

Fascinating! I wish I could help you in finding some of your father’s work.

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I sure wish I had known this before. I sold the set that I had. I would much rather it had gone to you. Good luck with your search and if I come across anything, I will post it back on here.


I have a signed Kakiki piece that I wear often :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ya know, I’m not generally into the whole bear claw thing, but I kinda dig this one; love the chain, too. Maybe because the way the claws are positioned in the necklace it reminds me of the horns on a longhorn steer. Looks cool!


Saw this coming up for auction.


Dad loved inlay, but too few of the craftsmen were good enough for him so he didn’t make that many (comparatively-speaking). You have a quality piece. Hold on to it or let me know if you ever want to sell it.

However, the dates Kakiki was operating are incorrect. Dad started it in the late 60’s and didn’t fully close until the mid 80’s after my daughter was born.


Get your checkbook out @Kimbe . The auction necklace is at $1,000.

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another auction listing maybe?https://www.invaluable.com/auction-lot/sterling-turquoise-coral-bear-claw-kakiki-necklac-323-c-13446019c5


Here is a word of caution about auctions. Auctions either allow, cannot control, or give tacit consent to consign ours bidding their own items up in order to achieve their “reserve”.

Example: Here is clause #14 from Retro Roadshow (at least they are honest about it):

  1. Retro Roadshow Strives to get the most money for our clients, our consigners. Those who have consigned items to Retro Roadshow auctions or those who work on behalf of Retro Roadshow Auctions are permitted to bid on any auction items.

And that is why I RARELY will buy at auction.


Wow! This is either the necklace I sold or very similar to it.