Members adding many new topic threads unrelated to the forum focus

Should there be–maybe there is–some limit on new members essentially dumping their jewelry boxes, piece by piece, into separate threads here, and heavily in the area of non-Native jewelry? Often without specific questions they want addressed. It’s ranging farther afield than usual…


Yea, I noticed that too.


I agree totally. Especially, when they get argumentative over broken costume jewelry.


I’m on board with you folks. maybe @Jason has a solution.


We’ve also had someone new who has posted the same thing in three different categories. All at once.


I’m in agreement with sentiments expressed here.


Clearly my posts bother all of you. Why is that?

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perhaps completely ignoring this continuing drivel would help. attention-seeking thrives on any type of attention.


Aho Sorry I am new here did not realize how to post please be specific on the etiquette as not to cause confusion. we are all just humble pitiful human beings on this red road

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I enjoy seeing and learning about different aspects. That being said, perhaps a NA non-jewelry category could be considered in order to expand NA knowledge yet differentiate it from the main focus of the forum.


It’s worth noting that the forum is about Native American jewelry, with turquoise being of course the signature gemstone of interest.


If you click on the triple bars at the top right, and then on FAQ, you will find a page dedicated to how to participate. What’s been frustrating is the posting of the same item in several categories. It clogs everything up, and it feels like we are being pushed to respond quickly, and to agree with the poster’s assessment of the items. I suggest you read and read (that’s what I did even prior to joining) old threads on here to get a feel for how the forum flows. You’ll get the hang of it!


Please bear with me. My understanding is that Perry Null Trading hosts this online forum known as “Turquoise People”. PNT also has a brick & mortar store located in Gallup, NM which I have not visited. However, I just went to PNT’s online website. They have 3 categories listed: Jewelry, Art, Artists. If you click on the Jewelry & Art categories, a dropdown of additional subcategories is shown. Just a thought ~ perhaps we should utilize our host’s Native American inventory catalog as our guide as to what is open for posting, discussion, and sharing on this forum. Thank you.


I will attempt to create a solution, not sure what that looks like. Trying to think through the process. Any suggestions are appreciated. I don’t really want to add more categories that get away from the focus of this forum. The idea has always been seeking help in identifying Native American jewelry and assistance on learning more. I also believe when a new member finds this site and it is the first chance they have had to share their jewelry they can sometimes behave in a way that established users don’t, which is understandable. We definitely want the forum to be cordial.


Ok the mission statement says learning about native American jewelry art and crafts


if I may add a thought…could pointing out the red flags of NA copies contribute to more care being taken to scam?

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I make all the above and so does many members of my family with that comes a life full of amazing and priceless objects so perhaps I’ll do one phot dump of non southwest jewelry so it can be appreciated without bothering people. There are 574 different recognized nations and that’s just recognized ones and we all make jewelry art and crafts and sacred tools that I will not post. I am Omaha and Seminole myself would love to know where people are from and what draws them to collect it’s a fascinating world full of beauty.



You might be interested in this thread…Why are we turquoise people?


Maybe limiting new topics from new members for a little while?
Something like 1 topic per week for the first month?
This would also encourage people to look through previous posts and learn about this forum.


There is always, on every single forum, no matter where are you going on the Internet, a list of rules and suggestions of how to place content on that particular forum. Most people abide by those rules. They almost always are emailed to you from those forums or a link is provided so that you look at them before posting.

Some people seem to feel they don’t have to read the rules or that they can skip them because they’re just gonna be on here once. If you want answers to your questions, then read the rules, follow the rules and be respectful of others.