I have wondered for years who actually made this beautiful bracelet. I saw examples of the Banteahs work and it seemed to be a more traditional Zuni intricate flush inlay. I also researched Victor Moses Begay but didn’t find anything comparable way back then.
The bracelet is 1” tall. I’m interested also in age, value and making sure that I have identified all of the inlay materials correctly.
Thanks for any info you can give me.
I’ll be interested to hear of others’ thoughts on the artist.
I associate Victor Moses Begay with cluster work, same as for Larry Moses Begay. (I know nothing of these two artists’ personal lives or families but wondered if they were related.)
I wonder if the same artist made this ring.
Thanks saef, I think you may be right. Not as intricate because of the size but along the same theme. Can’t remember for certain, but I think Larry is/was Victor’s son. Victor Moses Begay and Larry Moses Begay.
I own a LMB cluster bracelet and when I researched this bracelet before, the VMB pieces that were coming up were similar cluster work.
Thanks for the link.
Would the inlay on your cuff be called cobblestone inlay? The wave motif around the border is also such a nice graceful touch.
As an aside, somehow I’ve accumulated four pairs of Larry Moses Begay cluster earrings.Well, not somehow. I like his work & look for it. I also really like when his pieces include what looks like Royston turquoise. But I find I have to check his pieces for cracks. Also there is an artist named Zeita Begay who makes cluster work that I’ve mistaken for his, at first glance. There needs to be a book of Navajo and Zuni family trees – I’d buy it, for one, to understand how designs get passed down through families.
Me too! It can get really confusing especially when an artist gets trained by different members of the family and one was Navajo and the other Zuni.
My LMB bracelet was the result of vegging out in front of old cowboy movies one Saturday morning. My husband pipes up and says “see the bracelet that woman is wearing- the woman cooking-you need one like that”. My reply was “no problem”.
Then fast forward a year or so and my Dad is telling me I need to come by and see a bolo that he brought home from the church silent auction because it didn’t sell. (He switched from ties to bolos years ago). When I finally got to his house after several days of trying, he pulled the bolo out and my mouth dropped open. It was a 3” cluster piece with cluster dangles on the tips. I ended up buying it over the phone from the church lady. Then when I got home I found out it has the same turquoise as the bracelet. Doesn’t get any better!
Earlier today, I was reading the article about the fetish necklaces. I have one single strand bird that I need to check. Those were some pretty necklaces and that was some good info Bigbree posted.
I looked up hallmarks and Zuni artists Valentino and Matilda Banteah are associated with a VMB hallmark.
Thank you. So you think that is a Zuni bracelet vs Navajo? I appreciate all the input.
Zuni piece, it is very nice.
The hallmark and style of your bracelet is consistent with Victor Moses Begay. I have a number of pieces by him that are similar. The hallmark of Valentino and Matilda Banteah have their initials followed by a period. V.M.B. straight line or .V.M.B. in an arc. I am out of town on business, but will try and load some pictures when I get home. Your bracelet is a very nice piece!
Thanks for the info. I’d love to see the pictures.
Here are a few long promised pics. Unfortunately the ones on bracelets similar to yours are on my laptop which did not boot up today.
I would still lean Banteah. I just helped Victor Moses Begay the other day, wish I would have remembered this discussion.
Please let me know if you can show him the pictures. I would be interested to know if these are his work. Thanks as always Jason.
Thanks for the pictures. I would also like to know Begay vs Banteah. Thanks
I have a very similar piece, that was purchased at the Old Highway Trading Post in Flagstaff, AZ. Jackie the owner told me it was indeed Navajo. It would be wonderful to know the name of the artist…
It’s beautiful! It is Victor Moses Begay.
Is it? Oh wonderful. I’m glad to know its maker. And your VMB cuff above is stunning…
Victor Moses Begay made amazing cluster pieces. Valentino Banteah made inlay pieces, Zuni Inlay Buckle - Matilda & Valentino Banteah
Antique Vintage ZUNI Valentino Banteah Men's Bolo Tie | #96199601
1980 Zuni Silver Overlay Stone Bracelet - Banteah
Do you have any links to Begay’s work so we will know what to look for? There is so much incorrect information on the internet that it’s very difficult to learn things correctly. Thanks
It is cluster work https://dancingwolfgallery.com/shop/sold-items/victor-moses-begay-navajo-cluster-bracelet/