Royston or Bisbee Turquoise ? Please help

I need help identifying the stone on this heart pendant signed by Etta Enditto . Any information is greatly appreciated. Thank you


Gosh, IDK. I’m thinking it’s some kind of Nevada turquoise; pretty sure it’s not Bisbee, just doesn’t have the look. Maybe Royston, Pilot Mountain, or even Kingman (which is an AZ mine). The look of the webbing is what’s throwing me off, and made me wonder about Kingman. The blue/green makes you think a NV mine, but I have seen Kingman with similar blue/green. The only thing I would bet money on is that it is NOT Bisbee.

I feel like a broken record, but just remember that any thought about what mine it came from is only an educated guess without actual provenance. It’s a really pretty stone!


Thank you! I could now eliminate Bisbee :relieved:. Hopefully someone can help identify it :crossed_fingers:t3:


Nice heart pin/pendant! I totally agree with @Ziacat. If possible it might be good to get another photo in different (natural) lighting.
As @Ziacat indicated, no one on this forum can identify the type of turquoise with 100% certainty. Turquoise from an individual mine can vary so much depending on a variety of factors; but we may be able to give you a consensus. For example, it’s not Bisbee :smile:. Certainly could be good quality Chinese turquoise, which can look like a lot of US turquoise.


Oh right, I meant to also add Chinese (let’s just muddy the water even more :laughing:).


@Zippy528 What a pretty turquoise heart pin/pendant! I had to look up Etta Enditto since I hadn’t heard of her before. She’s produced some beautiful jewelry. I agree that this turquoise isn’t Bisbee. My guess, without known provenance, is that it’s a beautiful Kingman turquoise cab. In my opinion, this isn’t Chinese turquoise. Most of the Chinese turquoise that I’ve seen/own has a good bit of black matrix.


The more I had looked at it, the more I wanted to say Kingman, but I just couldn’t bring myself to say it… again :laughing:


Thank you! I can now eliminate Chinese turquoise :sob::two_hearts:

Thank you! I think I’ll accept that it could be Kingman :two_hearts:

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Here is another image in sunlight. I have another pendant with similar colors with what looks like quartz.


Unfortunately the stone has a few surface scratches :face_holding_back_tears:

So interesting…the matrix appears dark on one side and reddish brown on the other. I’ve seen both Chinese and Kingman turquoise that have darker (blackish) or the reddish brown matrix. And there are likely other types of turquoise that can express this variability. This change in the character of both the turquoise and matrix on different sides of this cab is unusual and adds character… but it certainly doesn’t attribute it to a specific mine.


Character. It’s still a beauty, just mature!

And it really is a beauty :heart_eyes:


I can get mesmerized by the heart pendant. It goes from blue to green to brown and then reds and blues. I love the stamping too. I would wear that in a heartbeat.


@nanc9354 I feel the same mesmerized way about that heart pendant. I like everything about it. I would’ve bought it in a heartbeat! Price be darned.