Sorry im new hope to post picture


@Piglet Welcome! That’s a gorgeous turquoise cuff. Are there any markings on the cuff? Looking forward to more photos if you have time.

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Wow. Nice heavy cuff, well made with lots of turquoise. I :heart: your name! :pig::pig:

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Ill have to look i have so much they might not let me post alot

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Thank you hope i get better at posting on hear please bear with me

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What exactly are wanting to know? People can guess at what mine the turquoise is from, but it will be educated guesswork without provenance. If your items have hallmarks it would be helpful to show those.

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@Piglet , I recommend doing a lot of research (auctions such as Retro Roadshow, major shops specializing in NA jewelry such as Garlands) before pricing your items if you plan to sell. The NA jewelry market is HOT.


Im gona try to put more on now

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This is why im overwhelmed and its only a small amount of what i have some names on them victor Beck. Tostie chee daloma and david tune jerry j nelson

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@Piglet Wonderful collection of turquoise and coral jewelry!


Thank you very much do you recognize any of those names

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pictures of the marks will help hugely with identification


Welcome @Piglet. You have some nice pieces and good names. I imagine it can be overwhelming! Let us know if you are looking for information on specific pieces, or looking to sell. If individuals are interested in any of your pieces, they can privately message you to discuss options. This is a great group of folks with quite a bit of knowledge.


Victor Beck is a very highly regarded and sought after Navajo artist who recently passed away. Can you please post a picture of the piece that is marked Victor Beck, and the signature?


Wow. What a cache. Did you inherit these or have you been collecting for a while? I’d love to see more pictures and close ups of the turquoise…I think we all would. :hugs:


I think you were on here a quite while ago and posted some of these, I remember looking up David Tune for you. I’ll see if I can find it again.


Is this your post? There’s some info in here for you, in this old post.

Edit: Sorry, for some reason I can’t get the post to come up. It was called “coral and turquoise necklaces?” Try putting that topic in the search bar and it should come up for you. A number of people had given you some information on what I think are some of these same pieces.


Thank you so much for the information im trying to find out more about jewelry and using this sight


I put some on when i first inherited them then had to leave lost my phone and all info so had to start over