I waswondering if anyone had any thoughts on this item?
A photo of the back would be helpful, too
Oops. I have added them to the post. Thanks for looking. My mother bought it at ajewelry party in 1973. I cannot find any markings.
Pretty squash! I imagine it was new when your mother bought it, as it looks to be 70’s work. The beads are bench beads, not really hand made but made assembly line style from machined halves. I can’t make a guess as to the turquoise mine but I think it may be stabilized. It looks to me to be Navajo made, and it’s not uncommon for something like this not to be hallmarked.
I just double checked, and she was under the impression it was at least 50 yrs old, but she came remember for sure.
Thank you for the info.
At least 50 years old currently, or when she bought it? 1973 would make it > 50 years old, but this is not a 1920’s necklace
She was under the impression it was old when she bought it. Doesn’t mean that it was, though. I have the missing stone, by thy way. She says pawn metal sounds familiar. She’s hardly ever worn it.
About what do you think it is worth?
I do doubt it was more than a few years old when she bought it. This style squash blossom (large cabs of turquoise in a ring over the naja and a large cab on each “squash” bead) became popular and was very common in the 70’s. In addition, earlier squashes would have fully hand made beads instead of the bench beads, recognizable by their prominent, protruding seam, seen here. Although it is not as old as you had thought it is a very nice squash, and definitely worth having it repaired with the cab you have. I’m not sure what you mean by “pawn metal,” but I’m pretty sure it’s sterling silver. I don’t generally like giving values but perhaps $800-$1200 once repaired?