I’ll start.
That is too funny. Let me think on this.
Here’s another from “Rez Lizard”, on X (Twitter). The guy has a wicked sense of humor, but fair warning, not all of his memes are suitable for work.
Finally, a great use for tree rats.
No! I love squirrels, but it was kinda funny.
Here’s one just for you, @Ziacat
Hahahah… I earned that! I’m not that tall, but I am a blonde so it works double (please don’t add blonde jokes )
OMG I’ve never seen a turquoise grill.
One of my favorites!
Okay literal LOL happened here
And whose faces are on his belt??
That’s a good question! The one left of center looks suspiciously similar to George Armstrong Custer, but that would be a curious inclusion.
There are faces on his necklace, too…
And that cuff on his left forearm looks like a vambrace!
Way to go @Steve! Up close and personal with the portrait belt.
It does look like Custer…maybe Buffalo Bill? No goatee though.
Oh, so that’s why there’s a shortage of turquoise.