Turquoise jewelry I recently made

Thanks Steve!
A agree about pale turquoise. I never quite warmed up to Dry Creek turquoise for that very reason.

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I usually dislike this kind of turquoise, too, but I actually love it in your ring! Your eye for composition is excellent and the silverwork brings out something in the texture of the stone that makes this a winner for me, even with a turquoise I wouldnā€™t usually favor. If your work were for sale, Iā€™d certainly pay up for that kind of attention to design!


Thank you for the lovely compliments @riobravo

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I have the perfect shirt to go with itā€¦ just sayinā€™ :upside_down_face:


Personally, I love to wear the lighter, brighter turquoise colors in the summer when my skin tone is tan. It really tends to GLOW then!


Iā€™ll concede the point on the aesthetics you mentioned @GreenRock not being fashion conscious myself.


Agree! Havenā€™t seen you for a bit, @GreenRock, howdy!


No, youā€™re not helpingā€¦youā€™re hindering



Miso likes turquoise too! I see some pretty stonesā€¦

Once I was cutting music on my computer for a skater, and my cat at the time walked right across it and deleted it. Silly cats.

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I think our feline friends just canā€™t resistā€¦ lol. I do some bead stitching now and then and have had to chase Mr Diesel Weasel down to retrieve strings of beads from his mouth! I now keep a mister bottle handy to deter him and save him from himself. He has made it to 16yrs old by now without needing surgery for eating non food items. Thank goodness!


My Mosi ate a couple inch long puff balls off the end of a bouncy stick when I was playing with her; I looked away for a couple minutes and they were gone. Vet told me just keep an eye on her (no string involved), seemed fine. 9 months later (:bangbang:) she puked them up! My wonderful vet said youā€™d be amazed what sheā€™s found in the bellies of cats and dogs :laughing:


Maybe she just didnā€™t like your selections!

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@Tinyturqgrl @Ziacat
One time I was halfway through restringing some pearls, and Miso was very interested. He kept trying to ā€œhelpā€.
I walked away for a few minutes. When I came back, the pearl string was severed, and the needle was missing. I know he likes string, but I didnā€™t think he would actually eat the needle.
The beading needle is a soft piece of flexible twisted wire about 2 inches long.
I tried not to freak out, and figured it would turn up somewhere in the carpeting.
Meanwhile, I was keeping an eye on the litter box. Sure enough, a few days later I found a poop with the scrunched up wire in it.

Needless to say, Iā€™m very careful about stuff like that now! And I close the door if I have a project like that in progress.


They keep getting better! I love fire agate. All of the rings you have shown are very nice!:blush:

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Oh my gosh, they are so silly, why do they do this to us :laughing:

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@Ziacat Itā€™s hard to restrain a wild animal in your home!
I canā€™t believe your cat had those puff balls in her stomach for 9 months. Poor baby mustā€™ve had a horrible stomach ache!


Thanks! Iā€™m always looking for interesting stones to work with. Fire agate is fascinating, isnā€™t it?

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@Stracci This is a gorgeous ring!

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Thank you @BlytheEcho
Iā€™m enjoying the big rings!