Cameron Trading Post did not let me down

I had already done a little shopping at Garland’s, but still was looking for something else. Hopi House was beautiful, and did have some lovely stuff. For example, they had a whole case of Mary Tafoya pieces, but everything else there I either wasn’t particularly fond of, or seemed a bit overpriced, and overall I was a little disappointed.

But… I found a lot of things I liked at Cameron Trading Post. A Navajo lady spent well over a half hour with me, and we had a good time together. She was having fun taking stuff out for me, and also trying it on for herself. She pulled out this Anthony Lovato cuff, and I fell in love with it, and it fits perfectly. The gallery portion of the post was closed by the time we got there, but this piece was from there. She said they bring a few pieces from the gallery into the store to sell. My receipt says Anthony Lovato cuff with Royston stone. So another corn item for me :grin:, and some of my first Royston.

I had it on at the Territorial Indian Arts, and the lady there said I was very fortunate to find one of his cuffs small enough, because they’re usually large. She also said he seems to like to work with Royston; she pulled out a pendant of his that had Royston.


@Ziacat Oh, that’s a unique corn cuff. Very nice! The inner cuff work is a wow factor. Beautiful Royston turquoise. It’s like it was custom made for you :slightly_smiling_face:. If you have time, post your items from Garland’s, too.


Great cuff Ziacat. Really unique. Did it come with a grey cat?


Oh my.
That is breathtaking.
The inner cuff work is so unique.
Yes, please share your other finds.


Congratulations!! @Ziacat That is definitely a keeper!
When Scott and I went into Garland’s and Cameron, we were so overwhelmed with the experience. Next time I am going to take my time and look around instead of rushing through.


Wonderful cuff all the way around @Ziacat . And as a bonus it matches your cat.:cat2:


Thanks ya’ll! Due to my loosely predetermined budget (plus Eiteljorg Market coming up ya know :grin:, still have to leave room for that), I just bought one thing at Garland’s; I will post that later.

I surely understand being overwhelmed and not having enough time. I had planned time for Garland’s, and at Cameron Trading Post we were waiting for our dinner reservation, so I had plenty of time to kill. We had giant Navajo tacos; in my husband’s words, “it’s as big as my head.” And we stayed the night there.

LOL @mmrogers, Mosi made the pic for two reasons. Number one, she’s part of the reason we had to cancel our trip last fall; secondly, it was the best sunny spot for the photo, and she was reclining, and didn’t want to move :laughing:.


That’s a real WOW, Ziacat. I’ve always admired the corn motif and this is a dandy example. So glad you had an amazing trip (LOVE the GC photos). I’m still sorta pining for the multistrand white-shell heishe necklace I left behind in the Cameron gallery, sigh, but what can you do. :yum:


It’s a really great cuff! With corn!
But I would expect nothing less of you, as you have exquisite taste.


Thanks! I was thinking I wanted to buy a Hopi piece, but you know how it goes when you see something that you just know you will love.

If I hadn’t already gotten the cuff, I saw a white shell and Fox turquoise Kewa necklace at Territorial Indian Arts that I loved. And I know what you can do, you can go back to Cameron and see if it’s still there :laughing:

And here’s a couple more pics for fun. First is outside of the Cameron Trading Post store, and the second is looking out our room at the gardens. If any of you are out that way, I HIGHLY recommend staying there. Wonderful place, and it was priced very reasonably.

Thank you @Stracci, you are too kind!


Superb pics. Looks like your weather was perfect. We enjoyed staying there in 2022. Plus, how about those Navajo tacos! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


I’ve never seen a corn cuff before, @Ziacat – it’s breathtaking! What a beauty you found :two_hearts:

And I’m glad you had a good time at your meal (those tacos sound epic!) and had fun browsing. Sounds like the perfect day to me :grin:


That’s right, I remember you said you stayed there. So anybody else, if you’re out there, check it out!

We had absolutely beautiful weather, except Phoenix got hot while we were there, of course :laughing:

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Wonderful pictures, and congrats on your Anthony Lovato cuff. He’s such a character and a really great guy. 10 or so years ago we were up at Keems Canyon prior to visiting White Swann (Dolly Navasie) for a pottery firing. Anyway Anthony and his sons came into Keems and we invited them to have a picnic lunch with us at Dollys. Of course they brought out jewelry they were taking to sell at galleries and we got to pick! I bought a simple corn cuff, not as spectacular as yours, but a typical Anthony piece. As Deb told you, his cuffs are typically larger, and some time ago I sold mine as it was a bit to large :pensive:. But yours is fabulous, and looks to fit great!


You know, I think I stayed at the Cameron Trading Post waaaaay back in '86.
And I’m sure I had the Navajo Taco in the dining room!
I seem to remember the Old West style decor of the rooms and the old style toilets with the raised tank and a pull chain!
Do they still have those toilets, I wonder?

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Great Cuff…is it cast? Nice turquoise and design, inside and out. Lovely, relaxing garden. Is that you in the picture in front of Cameron’s?


It’s been updated since then; no pull chains :laughing: I believe the owners of the post now are Navajo, and the rooms have a southwestern decor. And our room was huge!

@nanc9354 The cuff is tufa cast, and yes, that is me :grin: The garden is a lovely little oasis. Many rooms on the other side look out at the Little Colorado River canyon and the red high desert rock.


Hey @Stracci, I believe you have mentioned that Rodney Coriz is a friend of yours? I came very close to buying a ring at Cameron Trading Post made by him. It was a beautiful inlay giant square ring. It wasn’t really my style, but I loved it. In the end it was just too big for me, and I loved this cuff. But it was awesome!

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He is a good friend. In fact, we had lunch with him two days ago!
He makes those big geometric inlay rings with colorful stones and mother of pearl.
He’s a good guy.


That was it! And it had a silver line through the middle. It fit, it was just so big I was afraid I’d bang it on stuff. If my budget was bigger I probably would have bought it also. Let him know he has some fans on here :grin:

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