Cute little kachina ring

OK, this isn’t a major piece or anything, but all the same… as I’m in Canada, finding any NA pieces locally is a big deal!

So I was charmed to find this little kachina ring by Orville Manygoats at my local consignment store yesterday. And by some miracle, not only was the price extremely reasonable, it even fits my ring finger. Needless to say, I bought it on the spot.

Only one flaw: one of the sawtooth bezel teeth was bent backwards (it looked like the little guy was crying!), so I took the back of a spoon and verrrry gently pressed it back into place. Job done.

Thanks to the Perry Null blog entry What do you call those Little Silver People (which features an Orville Manygoats kachina piece, among others), I was able to recognize his style when I found it in the shop, so that was a happy outcome.

And you know, there’s something so appealing about these figures. I feel happy just looking at this little face.


Congratulations on your new acquisition. I really like it.


@chamekke What a wonderful jewelry find! That it fits & the price was reasonable ~ it was meant to be. Extra special that your treasure is hallmarked by a known NA artist. Congrats!


Oh he’s cute! And looks really well made. I’m glad you were able to fix the bezel, we don’t want him crying!


@here4turquoise, thank you! I’m glad you like it :smiling_face:

@Patina, for sure I don’t see that trifecta often here (verifiably NA, fits and at a good price). I was positively aglow for sure. Still am, really!

@ziacat, I debated about leaving the bezel as it was, but he just looked too sad for words! Glad I was able to press it into place without mishap. And he does seem well made. The Perry Null page pointed out the distinctive leaf headdress and open sleeves that are apparently characteristic of Orville Manygoats’s kachina figures. Just wish I could find out something about the maker, he’s “known” but that seems to be it.


Here is an interesting old thread on tightening a loose bezel.
Tighten a loose stone
Don’t give up, maybe something else will come up about the artist!


What a nice find, congrats! I love the kachina figures.


Ooh, thank you, @Ziacat! Bookmarking that puppy right now.


Thanks! I like them, too. This is my first.

The Perry Null blog entry says that kachinas with square heads (like this one) are male figures, while round heads are female. I don’t think I’ve spotted a round-headed one for sale yet. Guess it’s fairly rare.


Oh, I love it!
I woulda jumped on that with two feet!